Inner PeaceMassage & Mudras

What is necessary to do mudras?

Mudras can be done at any time and any place.

The most important part of doing mudras is being open to success. You do not need to believe that a mudra will work — only be willing for it to work. If you are sure it won’t work, you will be right that it won’t work. Surprisingly, it is also helpful not be too attached to an outcome. Somehow, when you are very, very attached to a specific result, that intensity blocks the result that you want. So you need to be willing, but not attached.

The next step is to create a supportive internal environment by breathing deeply and sitting upright. The deep belly breathing helps you relax and sitting straight opens your energy channels. These make it easier to feel the mudras and to receive the benefits of them.

Belly breathing. Notice your breathing. Feel it as the air goes in and out. Breathe from your belly, not your ribcage. Breathe in and out through your nose. Breath slowly, don’t rush. You may find that as you concentrate on breathing from your belly, that the speed will slow of its own accord.

Sit upright. Sit with your back straight, your feet flat on the floor, and your arms resting gently at your sides. Some people find it helpful to imagine a string from the back of their head holding their head up and their spine straight.

What else can I do to enhance the mudras?

You can enhance the mudras by establishing a supportive external environment.

  • Schedule a time for mudras. Do them at a specific time; perhaps early in the morning, or right before bed.

  • Place mudra cards out to remind you of your intention. Some people leave the deck out, others leave a single mudra they are working on.

  • Practice in a peaceful, uncluttered place. Have some object in the space that helps you focus. For me, it’s a sandstone mudra hand. Other people find it helpful to close their eyes.

  • Try different scents. Use a scent that quiets you, like cedar and sage, or lavender. Or, try a scent that enlivens and recharges you, like ginger, mint, peppermint, thyme, or rosemary.

  • Experiment with sound. Use music that quiets or enlivens you or listen to nature sounds like waves, trees, or birds.

  • Visualize what you want. For example, if you feel depleted, imagine yourself re-charged. Act as if you have what you want.

  • Affirm what you desire. For example, say, “I am full of energy,” as you do an energizing mudra.

  • Make a commitment. Find a mudra partner; someone you can tell your goals to and check in with, to keep you on-track.

  • Keep trying mudras. When a mudra doesn’t seem to work it may be because you don’t need that particular mudra, or it may be because that energy is so sluggish in your body that you don’t feel it at first and need to continue to “prime the pump”

  • Try various mudras. If the first one doesn’t work for you, try another. If that doesn’t work experiment with combining mudras. Sometimes you need to clear current feelings out before there is room for new feelings.

Last updated August 31, 2006